Dandara brands Langness ruling 'judgement for common sense'

Dandara says a decision to abolish a planning clause in the Southern Area Plan is a ‘judgement for common sense’.

It follows a judgement delivered last week which saw what it described as ‘unworkable’ LP21 quashed.

The clause had stated that new or replacement buildings on Langness should not be allowed unless it was in relation to the operation and use of the golf course or former Golf Links Hotel site – for hotel accommodation.

Dandara says this created an ‘absurd situation’ whereby the whole of Langness, including Derbyhaven, was constrained by the economic interests of the golf course – with no consideration or flexibility given to any other interests.

LP21 was included in the Southern Area Plan – following an ‘11th hour U-Turn’ – by the Department of Infrastructure whose planning officers had originally advised it shouldn’t feature.

Dandara says the ruling shows that clear legal principles and good planning practice – as opposed to political interference – have prevailed.