Ride The Rocket To The Port Erin Fireworks With Isle of Man Railways & Energy FM!

Ride the Rocket to Port Erin Fireworks

Monday 5th November

To celebrate November 5th, let Isle of Man Railways take you to Port Erin fireworks in style!


5:45pm Rocket Express departs Douglas
7:00pm Grand Parade to the Cosy Nook Cafe, for best lantern & Guy competitions
7:30pm Fireworks start!
8:30pm Rocket Express departs Port Erin


TASTY TREATS: Come to the TICKETHALL before you depart for winter-warming baked potatoes and Parkin with treacle toffee!


Giant jacket potato menu served from 4:30pm.


Drinks and snacks on sale from the on-board 'Rocket Express' bar. Hot Dogs and Manx Broth at the WHISTLESTOP CAFE, Port Erin.

Ride the Rocket to Port Erin Fireworks with Isle of Man Railways and Energy FM!

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